Garden Seventeen

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Why did you guys choose highland as your shop home? 

We always knew we wanted to be in the North Central/Violet Crown area. Rodney (the owner) grew up in Crestview and our first company Native Edge Landscape was based there for years. The violet crown area has been our biggest supporter from the start. For years, we recognized a major need for a garden center here (especially after Howards closed). We were drawn to this spot in 2017 when it first came on the market. Looking at other properties over the years we could never let the idea of this one go. 

Given that there are not many garden center options in North-Central Austin, we were ecstatic to be an oasis in the plant desert!

What are some things that make your shop and brand special/unique? 

Garden Seventeen is the sister company of Native Edge Landscape, and we plan to bring the same core values from Native Edge to Garden Seventeen with a heavy focus on local sustainability. We are also excited to be a shop that welcomes local artists, both big and small, to provide a much needed platform to display their art through our pop ups, markets, garden apothecary and classes in a pandemic free future. We will soon transition our tool and fertilizer building to becoming a Garden Apothecary full of locally made and sourced plant based homeopathic goods - like balms, candles, etc. This will also act as the platform for local artists and crafters to display a line of locally made goods such as pottery, incense, and much more. We also have a strong stance on native plant material, aside from our wide selection of tropical house plants, where our knowledgable team can help any novice gardener create a green thumb! We will also provide a large selection of outdoor and indoor pottery and fountains. Our heavy focus on education amongst our team has also been welcomed with open arms to create a garden community around us. 

With the recent addition of our food court, our main focus is to create a destination location to educate about anything gardening!

Do you offer other services (and or workshops, events or classes)? 

Garden Seventeen offers a wide range of services from pottery arrangements, potting plants, design education, delivery as well as our classes we will soon launch online! Once it is deemed safe again for social gatherings, we will also host multiple classes a week ranging from speaker presentations to how-tos and gardening 101 at our in-house classroom. All of this coupled with our sister company, Native Edge Landscape, we also offer full service landscape including design, installation and maintenance. 

What plant/s do you recommend for a sun loving native front yard garden? 

For a full sun landscape, you have lots of sun loving natives to choose from! Depending on style of the landscape, Zexmania and Damianita for a bright pop of yellow or Saliva Greggi or Pink Skullcap for a punch of reds and pinks, as well as Silver Pony Foot or Creeping Germander for softening the edges as a ground cover! 

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