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Winter Quarterly Meeting

To join the video conference by computer, smart phone, or tablet:

Click this link, then enter the ID and passcode:

Meeting ID: 876 7443 3139

Passcode: 638057

To join by phone only:

Dial in with the number below, then enter the ID and passcode when prompted:

(346) 248 7799 US 

Meeting ID: 876 7443 3139

Passcode: 638057


  • Elections! If you’d like to run for an HNA board position, email, and you’ll be nominated to run for the position. As of now, all officers are standing for re-election. But we do have an open secretary position if you’d like to get involved. Visit this page for more information on the positions on the HNA

  • We’ll be discussing the Ryan Drive development and we’ll be joined by several representatives from developers showing us their proposals for the site.

  • Katie Duffy from the Watershed Department will discuss the Rain Catcher program and how we Highlanders can benefit from it.

  • I’ll provide an update on the public safety issues at I35 and St. Johns, and we’ll be joined by Officer Hyatt from APD.