Highland Neighborhood Planning Contact Team Bylaws

Bylaws of the HNPCT

Adopted: March 1, 2007


Neighborhood Plan Contact Team or Neighborhood Planning Team means the individuals designated by the persons involved in the development of a neighborhood plan and have agreed to upload the implementation of the plan’s vision, goals, and recommendations. The responsibilities of the Contact Team or Planning Team is to discuss and provide a recommendation to City Staff, Planning Commission, and City Council on any proposed neighborhood plan amendments that are either text or map changes. The Contact Team /Planning Team may also submit an application to the Direct of Neighborhood Planning & Zoning Department to amend a neighborhood plan at any time.

Section 1 – Name

This organization shall be known as the Highland/Skyview Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (NPCT)

Section 2 – Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Highland/Skyview NPCT shall be to review and make recommendations on all proposed amendments to the Brentwood/Highland Neighborhood Plan that are relevant to the Highland and Skyview Neighborhoods.

Section 3 – Boundaries

North: 183
South: Koenig Lane
East: Twincrest / Middle Fiskville
West: Lamar Blvd

Section 4 – Structure of the Contact Team/Planning Team

NPCT membership shall be open to anyone who lives or owns property or operates a business within the boundaries of the neighborhood planning area.
Voting membership shall be granted to any individual who meets the above criteria and has attended a total of two prior NPCT meetings in the past year or, if meetings are less frequent, the past two consecutive meetings. Membership shall become effective at the third meeting. New members name shall be noted in the minutes.
There shall be no more than 16 members on a NPCT
The NPCT should have, at minimum, the following groups represented on the team:

  • property owners

  • non-property owner residents

  • business owners

  • neighborhood associations

Reasonable, good faith efforts must be made to include representatives of the aforementioned groups.